The World Without a Self: Virginia Woolf and the Novel
Most readers of this website will have little interest in Virginia Woolf. In any case, here is the first book I published, derived from my PhD. dissertation. When I open it today, I feel a bit like the mature Virginia Woolf did when she looked back at her first novel: I’m embarrassed by some things and pleased by others. Its age is apparent because I naively followed an unconsciously sexist academic convention of calling the author “Mrs. Woolf” rather than simply “Woolf.” In those days one would never have written “Mr. Hemingway.”
Filmguide to Psycho
This small volume in Indiana University’s Filmguide series, edited by Ron Gottesman and Harry Geduld, was among the first things I wrote about film. Long buried under a mountain of literature on Psycho, it now strikes me as juvenalia. (It also has a grievous error: I misspelled screenwriter Joseph Stefano’s name throughout.) But people occasionally ask me about it, and because it’s been out of print for many years I’m making it freely available here.